Best Extra Wide Pickleball Shoes (2024)

extra wide feet shoes

Pickleball players often have trouble finding appropriate footwear because of their wide or extra-wide feet. It is easy to find shoes that are the best in terms of fit, functionality, and style for people with standard-width feet. However, some people might not be able to check every box if they have extra wide feet. In this article, … Read more

Best Slip-Resistant Pickleball Shoes for Safety and Confidence

best slip resistant shoes for pickleball courts

We are beyond excited to tell you about the best pickleball shoes on the market, which support slip-resistance, and safety as well as give you confidence in the pickleball court. These incredible shoes offer a perfect blend of speed, precision, and comfort. For any pickleball enthusiast out there, these shoes are an absolute game-changer. Pickleball … Read more

Best Pickleball Shoes for Bunions [2024]

buying guide to pickleball shoes for bunions

Do you have bunions that make it hard to play pickleball and cause discomfort? If this sounds familiar, consider investing in the best pickleball shoes designed for bunions. These shoes are great for bunions because they have extra room in the toe area, padding, and arch support. You can play the game comfortably and not … Read more

Best Insoles for Pickleball in 2024

best insoles for pickleball players

As a pickleball player, you know the importance of comfort and support during the game. Proper footwear is always important, and investing in the best insoles can highly affect your performance on the pickleball court. Whether you’re a seasoned pickleball player or a beginner, our top-rated insoles provide the optimal blend of impact absorption and … Read more

5 Best New Balance Shoes for Pickleball [2024]

best pickleball shoes new balance brand

If you play pickleball and want to improve your game, you might want to think about getting a pair of New Balance pickleball shoes. These shoes not only look good, but they also use the latest technology to help you play better. New Balance shoes not only come in stylish designs but also incorporate the … Read more

Best Pickleball Shoes for High Arches in 2024

buying guide to shoes for high arches

Are you someone who plays pickleball and has high arches? If that is the case, you understand the importance of having the best footwear that provides sufficient support and cushioning. According to Dr. Schaeffer of, “People with high arches issues are prone to rolling the ankle and knee injury issues.” So, Dr. Schaeffer recommends … Read more

Best Pickleball Shoes for Wide Feet in 2024

wide feet pickleball shoes

Finding the right pickleball shoes for wider feet is crucial for comfort, stability, and performance on the court. Look for shoes with a wide toe box, roomy interior, and supportive design to prevent injuries and facilitate quick movements. Fortunately, there are brands and models that offer pickleball shoes specifically tailored for wider feet, providing ample … Read more

Best Pickleball Shoes for Tennis Elbow in 2024

ultimate guide best pickleball shoes for tennis elbow issue

If you’re an avid pickleball player dealing with the discomfort of tennis elbow, we understand the importance of finding the right footwear that can alleviate pain and support your game. In this article, we’ll explore the top pickleball shoe options specifically designed to provide relief and prevent further strain on your elbow. We’ll delve into … Read more