Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle Review

The Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle is remarkable for its unique features and strong performance. Let’s take a closer look at the Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle, including its design, specs, and its pros and cons.

Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle

Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle
  • Weight: 7.8oz
  • Weight Range: 7.5-8.1oz
  • Face Style: Widebody
  • Face Finish: Graphite
  • Paddle Length: 15.5”
  • Paddle Width: 8.3”
  • Grip Size: 4-1/4”
  • Grip Type: Cushion Grip
  • Paddle Handle: 5”
  • Core Material: Nomex, Paper Honeycomb core
  • USAPA Approved: Yes

Design and Specifications:

Pickleball paddles like the Onix Z5 Graphite paddle, excel due to their purpose-driven design.

The perfect fusion of power and precision is achieved through its expansive sweet spot, durable face, and advanced core technology.

The generous space and broad sweet spot make the ball connection effortless. Whether you are a newcomer or an expert, hitting incoming shots accurately is a breeze.

shape of onix z5 paddle

When you put in a forceful swing, the core responds with both power and pop. Despite its lightweight build, the Z5 Graphite facilitates powerful shots.

It’s as if every component of the paddle collaborates seamlessly, enhancing each other’s functions.


The Onix Z5 paddles maintain their traditional wide bodies, setting them apart from the contemporary elongated designs.

This classic form has influenced newer paddle makers due to its enhanced versatility.

shape of onix z5 is a bit elongated

Onix continues to embrace the widebody concept across its current paddle lineup, a concept it initially introduced.

Despite the prevailing shift towards elongated designs, the popularity of widebody paddles remains strong, particularly among professional players.

Beginners stand to gain from the generous paddle face as it offers a larger sweet spot and a sturdy surface, aiding their ball connections.


Weighing in at 7.8 ounces, the Onix Z5 Graphite strikes a harmonious balance. It resides in the middle ground between being overly light and excessively heavy, rendering it exceptionally easy to maneuver.

Depending on your chosen paddle configuration and grip preferences, the total weight can range from 7.5 to 8.1 ounces.

Overall, the Onix Z5 Graphite paddle is meticulously crafted to provide players with a well-rounded and balanced gameplay experience.

Paddle Face:

For newcomers to pickleball, a racket with a widebody face, such as the Onix Z5, proves advantageous.

This feature enhances the ease of making contact due to the enlarged sweet spot.

Furthermore, pickleball paddles boasting Graphite faces also incorporate a Graphite core.

This combination is highly regarded among professionals, as it delivers substantial power upon contact while still maintaining a lightweight design.

Length & Width:

The Onix Z5 Graphite typically maintains a pickleball paddle length of 15.5″, adhering to the industry standard embraced by all pickleball brands.

Notably, Onix Z5 paddles distinguish themselves by being broader than conventional models, boasting a width of 8.3″.

Color Options and Appeal:

One notable feature of the Onix Z5 and similar paddles is the variety of colors they come in.

Onix paddles, including the Z5, offer players the choice to select from a range of colors.

While aesthetics might not directly affect gameplay, having color options can be a desirable feature for players who enjoy personalizing their equipment.

Grip & Handling:

Featuring a 4-1/4″ grip size, the Onix z5 graphite pickleball paddle ensures a snug and comfortable fit in your hands.

This optimal size prevents any surplus hand space that might lead to imprecise shots.

grip of Onix Z5 graphite paddle

Furthermore, the paddle’s cushion grip adds an extra layer of comfort and convenience to your gameplay.

However, there are a lot of complaints on Amazon regarding the loose grip of the Onix z5 paddle. Most players have complained that the grip becomes loose after six months.


The core of the Onix z5 pickleball paddle is crafted from graphite, which contributes to its well-balanced performance.

The paddle’s technologically advanced core, made of Nomex and paper honeycomb, enables you to effortlessly execute powerful shots with precision.


The Onix Z5’s play style is characterized by a harmonious blend of power and precision.

The paddle’s performance is a testament to its thoughtfully designed features.

The Nomex honeycomb core, combined with the graphite face, results in shots that are both powerful and controlled.

The wider face of the paddle contributes to a larger sweet spot, allowing players to connect with the ball effectively.

Additionally, the ergonomic grip ensures that players can maintain control during fast-paced rallies.

Feedback on Every Shot:

A crucial aspect of any pickleball paddle is the feedback it provides to players. The Onix Z5 excels in this regard, offering instant feedback on shots.

Players can feel the connection between the ball and the paddle’s face, allowing them to gauge the quality of their shots.

This aspect is particularly valuable for players who are keen on improving their gameplay and refining their skills.

Pros of Onix Z5 Pickleball Paddle

Impressive Shot Power:

The unique blend of a composite face and thoughtfully distributed weight in the Onix Z5 empowers players to deliver forceful shots, rendering it an ideal choice for those aiming for game dominance.

Precision and Control:

Despite its potency, the Onix Z5 offers remarkable precision and control. Players can confidently target shots with pinpoint accuracy, whether they are executing at the kitchen line or amid intense exchanges.

Enduring Build:

The combination of a Nomex honeycomb core and composite face bolsters the paddle’s sturdiness.

The Onix Z5 is crafted to endure rigorous gameplay and extended usage, ensuring its steadfastness as a dependable partner on the court.

Cons of Onix Z5 Pickleball Paddle

Weight Factor:

The slightly increased weight of the Onix Z5 might not align with players favoring lighter paddles or those who experience fatigue during extended matches.

Personal preferences and playing style should be taken into account when evaluating paddle weight.

Handling and Maneuverability:

The broader frame of the Onix Z5 could marginally influence maneuverability, particularly for players valuing rapid responses and high-speed playing tactics.

Nonetheless, the benefits of the augmented hitting area often overshadow this minor limitation.

Cosmetic Appeal:

Some players might find the overall visual design of the paddle to be less striking compared to other options.

The design’s simplicity might not resonate universally, although this is a subjective consideration.

Is the Onix Z5 the Right Pickleball Paddle for You?

Despite a few minor drawbacks, the Onix Z5 stands out as one of the most comprehensive paddles available in the market.

  • It offers excellent value for its price point.
  • The paddle’s performance is well-balanced, with a slight bias towards power, which proves advantageous for both beginners and aggressive players.
  • The substantial sweet spot enhances gameplay.
  • Pickleball players of all levels can derive benefits from this paddle. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, the Onix Z5 graphite is a suitable choice to elevate your performance.

Final Thoughts:

In the dynamic world of pickleball, selecting the right equipment is a crucial decision.

The Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle presents itself as a reliable and effective option for intermediate players looking to elevate their game.

Its thoughtful design, versatile play style, and combination of power and accuracy make it a valuable asset on the court.

Whether you are just starting your pickleball journey or have been honing your skills for years, the Onix Z5 Graphite Pickleball Paddle is a contender that deserves careful consideration.

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