Pickleball Drills for Advanced Players to Master

As players progress in their pickleball journey and reach an advanced level, it becomes crucial to incorporate specific drills into their training routine to enhance their skills and elevate their game.

Advanced players require drills that focus on refining technique, improving consistency, developing strategic thinking, and enhancing overall performance on the court.

In this article, we will explore a variety of pickleball drills specifically designed for advanced players. These drills will target different aspects of the game, including shot placement, footwork, dinking, volleys, strategy, and teamwork.

Incorporating these pickleball drills into your training regimen can help you take your pickleball skills to the next level and achieve better results in competitive play.

What actually do Pickleball drills mean?

Pickleball drills refer to structured exercises and practice routines designed to improve specific aspects of a player’s game in the sport of pickleball. These drills are carefully crafted to target various skills, techniques, and strategies required to excel in pickleball.

They provide players with a focused and systematic approach to enhancing their abilities, ultimately leading to improved performance on the court.

Pickleball drills serve several purposes, including skill development, conditioning, tactical awareness, and teamwork.

They allow players to isolate and work on specific areas of weakness, refine their strengths, and enhance overall game proficiency.

By incorporating a variety of drills into their training routine, players can develop a well-rounded skill set and become well-equipped to handle different game situations.

Skill Development

Pickleball drills focus on developing fundamental skills such as shot placement, footwork, volleys, dinking, serves, returns, and strategy.

These drills provide players with targeted opportunities to practice and refine these skills, allowing them to become more consistent and proficient in executing various shots and techniques.

Pickleball Drills for Advanced Players to Master

Whether it’s practicing cross-court shots, drop shots, or mastering the third-shot drop, these drills help players build muscle memory and improve their shot-making abilities.


Pickleball drills also contribute to physical conditioning. The sport requires agility, quick reflexes, endurance, and explosive movements.

Drills such as footwork exercises, lateral shuffling, and recovery drills help improve players’ agility, speed, and stamina, ensuring they can sustain their performance throughout a match.

Conditioning drills not only enhance physical fitness but also promote injury prevention and increase overall stamina on the court.

Tactical Awareness

Pickleball drills provide opportunities for players to develop tactical awareness and strategic thinking.

Through drills that simulate game scenarios, players can practice reading their opponents, making strategic decisions, and executing appropriate shots based on the situation.

These drills help players understand court positioning, shot selection, and the importance of shot placement to gain a competitive edge over their opponents.


Pickleball drills are not limited to individual practice; they can also be designed to improve doubles teamwork.

Doubles-specific drills focus on communication, coordination, court coverage, and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

teamwork before mastering advanced skills in pickleball

These drills help players develop effective strategies, improve their ability to work together as a team, and maximize their performance on the court.

Incorporating pickleball drills into a regular training routine offers numerous benefits. They provide structure and purpose to practice sessions, enabling players to focus on specific areas for improvement.

Additionally, drills bring variety to training, preventing monotony and keeping players engaged and motivated.

Regularly practicing drills helps players track their progress and measure their improvement over time, providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting confidence.

Also, to make the most of pickleball drills, it is essential to practice with intention and focus. Players should pay attention to proper technique, be receptive to feedback, and maintain a positive mindset.

It is also advisable to vary the drills, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to skill development.

List of Best Pickleball Drills for Advanced Players

In this section, we have categorized the drills below according to the player’s specific need and for the ease of our writers:

Drills for Shot Placement and Accuracy

Following are the drills for shot placement and accuracy:

Cross-Court Placement

Set up two targets on opposite corners of the court and practice hitting cross-court shots that land within those targets. Focus on precision and accuracy, aiming to consistently place the ball within the designated areas.

Down-the-Line Drill

Stand near the baseline and hit shots down the line, aiming for a specific target. This drill will help you develop the ability to place your shots strategically along the sideline, creating opportunities to exploit your opponent’s weaknesses.

Drop Shot Challenge

Set up a designated area near the net and practice executing drop shots that land softly and close to the net. Aim for consistency and control, gradually increasing the difficulty by making the target area smaller.

Drills for Footwork and Agility

Following are the drills for footwork and agility:

Side-to-Side Shuffle

Position yourself near the sideline and shuffle laterally from one side of the court to the other. Focus on quick, explosive movements and maintaining a low, balanced stance. This drill will improve your agility and help you cover the court effectively.

Split-Step Drill

Practice the split-step technique, where you jump and land with your feet shoulder-width apart as your opponent makes contact with the ball. Perform split steps during partner rallies, aiming to react quickly to your opponent’s shots and position yourself optimally for your next shot.

Recovery Drill

Have a partner hit shots to various areas of the court, forcing you to move quickly and recover from different positions. This drill will improve your ability to react to shots and regain your positioning efficiently.

Drills for Dinking and Soft Game

Following are the drills for dinking and soft games:

Third-Shot Drop Drill

Practice executing effective third-shot drops by starting at the baseline and hitting soft, accurate shots that land close to the kitchen line. Focus on controlling the pace and trajectory of the ball to prevent your opponent from attacking.

Dink Rally Drill

Engage in dink rallies with a partner, focusing on maintaining a consistent and controlled dink exchange. This drill will help you improve touch, control, and patience during soft game situations.

Targeted Dinking

Set up targets on the opponent’s side of the court and aim to dink the ball into those targets during practice sessions. This drill will enhance your ability to place your dinks precisely and exploit openings in your opponent’s positioning.

Drills for Volleys and Net Play

Following are the drills for a volley and net play:

Volley-to-Volley Rally

Stand near the net with a partner and engage in rapid volley exchanges. This drill will improve your hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and volley technique.

Poach and Putaway

Practice poaching drills with a partner, where you anticipate and intercept your opponent’s shot and try to put the ball away with a well-placed volley. This drill will enhance your net play skills and develop your ability to read the game.

Low Volley Drill

Practice volleys at waist height or below, focusing on keeping the ball low over the net. This drill will improve your ability to handle low volleys and maintain control during fast-paced exchanges at the net.

Lob Defense Drill

Have a partner hit lobs to your backcourt, and practice moving quickly to the baseline and hitting defensive lobs back. This drill will enhance your ability to handle high lobs and reset the point.

Serve and Return Variation

Practice serving and returning serves with different variations, such as spin, placement, and speed. Focus on developing a wide range of serves and returns to keep your opponents off balance.

Doubles Strategy Drill:

Engage in doubles matches with a focus on specific strategies, such as stacking, cross-court dinking, or controlling the kitchen line. Work on implementing different strategies to improve your teamwork and tactical decision-making skills.

In conclusion, pickleball drills are an integral part of training for players looking to enhance their skills, improve their performance, and take their game to the next level.

Also, Read About Pickleball Drills for Intermediate Players


By incorporating structured drills into their practice routine, advanced pickleball players can systematically develop their technical abilities, tactical awareness, physical conditioning, and teamwork, ultimately leading to improved on-court performance and enjoyment of the sport.                                                                           

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